Majorem Affordable Power

Friday, November 1, 2013

Welcome to Energy Efficient Lighting site


Green innovation, social entrepreneurship is about planet, profit and people and how to balance the 3.

Planet involves green technology and green innovation and energy use.  There is not much fossil fuel left, and not much energy source left to power cars, light up cities at night, heat cities in cold areas, or cool the offices during hot weather during the day.

We really have to think of innovative ways to save on fossil fuels:   fossil fuels emit carbon which cause/lead to global warming.  Fossil fuels source is also limited.  Coal was formed from decaying vegetable matter millions of years ago.  But we strip coal mining site and consume them at prodigous rate, and emit carbon at same rate.  Yet many of power plants that are running are, on base loads are fed with coal.   To avoid this, we have to lessen electrical energy consumption.  And the most numerous appliances come from lighting.

Many power plants too are fed with diesel and bunker fuel.  Oil based fuel are also decreasing in amount and the increase in prices reflect the level of supply vis a vis the demand. Petroleum, formed million of years ago from decaying animal matter.  Do we have the luxury of million of years to replace our petroleum supply?

 Shell in its future lens scenario, does not see gas any more as the leading power source of transportation in the next several decades.  And solar, will be in the next 50 years, the top source of electrical energy

There are various new technology that produce brighter lamps, but consume less electrical energy:  LED lamps and induction lighting.  We shall explore them soon.


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